Australian Carpet Classification Scheme Labels
Carpets are classified under the ACCS labelling system according to their durability and appearance retention.

The Star system of rating allows you to quickly decide which carpet is suitable for your needs.

Some carpets will carry both Residential and Contract gradings.
Be sure to look for the numbered ACCS label – these carpets have been tested by NATA accredited laboratories and assessed by the ACCS Panel of carpet experts. Beware of untested claims of carpet’s suitability for different uses.
The classification is determined using technical data supplied by manufacturers and results from tests conducted by independent (NATA or equivalent) laboratories .
In determining the ACCS end-use classification, the overriding criterion is the appearance retention properties of the carpet. Appearance retention assessment is reflected in both the objective scoring system (81 out of 100 points) and assessment (the remaining 19 points). Carpets submitted to the ACCS must also meet minimum standards for a range of construction and performance properties before they will be graded.